Sunday, May 9, 2010

It's amazing what 5 weeks can do!

So I'm sure you all remember this.
Photo on 2010-04-19 at 18.37 #3
The butchering of my bangs. (that picture was TWO WEEKS after the crime!)
I'm happy to report that they're now a legal length. They're finally ready for public consumption. Please disregard my lack of makeup.

Photo on 2010-05-09 at 18.26 #3


Kira - said...

Has it been 5 weeks already??! The bangs are definitely looking better. Lol "legal length"

Heather said...

Is it wrong that I actually love the shorter version, too? I wanted bangs that short but my guy talked me out of it. Could be the ridiculous circles and wrinkles under my eyes that wouldn't have looked good with them. Who knows, they look great on you!