Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Sexy chicken

I don't know about you but I will do pretty much whatever it takes to get my children to eat food. I'm talking food-food. Not chicken nuggets, not pizza, or hotdogs but healthy, good for them food. You know like fruits and vegetables. Tonight I made a dinner with the impression that it would be pretty much only Barry and me eating it. I couldn't have been more wrong. 

Now a little backstory. Anytime Owen takes his shirt off, sees someone with his shirt off, or takes a label or wrapper off a drink he says, "I sexy and I know it, know it."  Every. Single. Time. I've taken to calling naked things sexy. My two year old is corrupting me! ;) (hey he listens to the glee version. No cussing!) 

Tonight I made marinated chicken breast tenderloins with brown rice and peas. I marinated the chicken breast in Trader Joe's soyaki sauce for about 24 hours. We were supposed to eat this dinner yesterday but didn't for whatever reason. Then I put them on a broiling pan lined with foil, because I'm lazzzzzy, and baked at 350 for about 25 minutes. 

I put a smallish tenderloin on each boys plate with a smallish serving of peas and rice. I expected whining and crying and gnashing of teeth. Times three. What happened was whining and crying and gnashing of teeth times 1. My oldest can sure be a picky pain in the butt.

Gabriel and Owen not only ate their entire plate minus a few random peas but asked for seconds on the sexy chicken nuggets. I told them it was sexy chicken because there was no bread. They totally believed me and gobbled up a healthy meal. Except for Julian. He got a rock. 

Here's 'sexy' Owen eating the crusts from his brothers' lunches we packed tonight. He decided bedtime was at about 10 instead of the 8 that I thought was more appropriate. 

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