Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Moving on up!

I officially have a kindergartener and a second grader. I'm not sure how that happened. Second grade sounds so old! 

Over the past week of summer vacation lots has happened. 

Julian learned to ride his bike without training wheels. We will be taking Gabriel's off soon enough. 

The boys had their first non competitive t-ball game. So cute. 

We drove to Des Moines for Hudson's third birthday.

We were able to enjoy the sun and hung out with our awesome neighbors. 

Bedtime has gotten later and amazingly my kids have learned a valuable life long skill. Sleeping-in. 

Barry started Internal Medicine again. It's my least favorite rotation for the schedule. Early mornings and late nights. Hoping we are able to survive the summer with most of my sanity in tact. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Ok I know. Emilia is number four. I should have this down by now. She's the first girl though so give me a little break. Now this post is gonna get a little tmi. Just a warning.

Every single day Emilia has a blow out. Not up the back like my boys had on occasion. No no. Hers are either a. Up the front. Or b. out the side?

I truly don't understand the physics of the side blow out. It happens. Daily. I'm so tired of getting her dressed multiple times a day due to this unfortunate problem. Here is the list of things I've tried to remedy the situation
Size up disposable
Bum genius
Bum genius elemental
Flip cover
Unsnap rise on bg and bge
It all leads to the same result. Blow out city and she's mayor.

Do you, people of the blogosphere have any advice? Something else for me to attempt? A cloth diaper that won't leave us covered in poo?

Thanks in advance!