Thursday, June 26, 2008

Gabe's 4 months old!!

So we've delved into the world of cloth diapering. And by we, I mean me. I've become addicted to a website, . SO awesome. It's an amazing community of moms and dads that all cloth diaper! It is kind of crazy, because about 3 weeks ago I started and had NO idea what the heck a goodmama diaper I'm addicted and they're my favorite kind! ( They are super absorbent, and I feel like I'm doing my part to reduce the boys' carbon footprint. I still drive my SUV that gets approximately 15 mpg (OUCH). I must say that Barry is very supportive of the whole endeavor, it's nice to know that he's behind me 100%.

We are getting closer and closer to moving to Iowa. I am terrified, to put it lightly. I've been praying and still know that it's the right thing, medical school, that is. It's just terrifying to think that I'm moving away from my family and friends. I do think that I will make friends in Iowa, I'm not scared of that, it's just that as soon as we get there I will have no support system. We've found out that we'll be in the "Raccoon River Ward" when we get there! HA! So funny and so excited.

Today my best friend (Since 6th freaking grade!!!) Stacy took Gabriel's 4 month pictures. She is soooo talented, and I love how they turned out. You can check them out at . Let me and her know what you think!

I really am going to try to keep this more updated, especially as we move away. I will try to keep it updated for friends and family.

PS Angee is having a going away BBQ for us on the 18th of July. Email me if you want the evite!


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