Monday, March 2, 2009


So recently some things have come to light, some drama has been around me. I've come to the realization, or sort of been forced to the realization, that I hate drama. Everything to do with real life, or cyber, internet drama. H.A.T.E. The only kind of drama I like is General Hospital. :) And I, am going to keep it that way. I vow, to you, my loyal blog reader (yeah I think there's only one of you) that I will no longer partake in anything drama filled. I'm 25 years old. I do not need to associate with 12 year olds, or adults that act as such. I also need to rid myself of negative energy.

Have you ever had a friend that everything they said was SUPER negative? Just nothing ever goes right in their life? I need to keep faaaaaaaaaaaaar away from that girl. I swear I'm a magnet for that person. I'm pretty sure I'm realllly impressionable. And that girl, she brings me down with her. I need to stay far above that negative level, and look at the positive. I have some great friends, and once I cleanse myself from the negative influences, the drama seekers, I know for 100% fact that I will be a better, happier person.

PS Tomorrow I will post pictures of Gabriel's birthday. I am going to bed now!


Crazy Cat Lady said...

Amen, sista!

Melanie said...

Maybe she needs some help. She could be really depressed. Have you told her how you feel when your around her? Or do you think that she is like that just to get attention or have something to say?

Heather said...

Amen, sister kate. They're called toxic people.

I hope I'm not toxic! Wow, time for self check.

Feel better, honey.

Suzie said...

I agree!!! I need to rid myself of that as well..I know I am impressionable to negativity and have a tendency to swing that way..but I really hope to change my perspective as well!! :)

Julie said...

I hear you! I don't feel like I have many of those people in my life right now, but man I felt that way when I was getting my graduate degree! I think it is okay to be negative and vent every once in a while and I don't mind if friends do that. But, to have a consistent;y negative attitude not only affects them but the people they hang around with as well.

Anonymous said...

I love me some drama when I am not actually inovlved in it. Third party drama, if you will. So, that being said I want to hear all about your drama. :P E-mail me.

natalie palmer said...

i'm trying to remember when we went to raccoon river park? was it like two hours before you wrote this post? i'm so concerned!

Mary Jo said...

Well that sounds exhausting! I agree with Sara above (and your General Hospital comment) -drama is entertaining when you can stand back and watch and not be affected by it... but that's why we have TV! Oh and as far as having a certain friend that is just negative (and needy, for me) I've soo been there done that. I got sucked into lots of friendships like that in the past. Some how my roll was the "rock", the encourager supporter person.. their job was to be negative and fall a part. Life is so much easier without that drama!

Hang in there - HUGS - MJ