Friday, February 19, 2010

Sooooo, it's snowing...

....I mean I get it. I live in Iowa. It snows, in Iowa. But really? I'm so incredibly sick of the snow. I can't wait for the humidity. If you see me complaining about humidity this summer, please remind me of this post. I'm getting really, really excited to go to Washington. My mom and friends keep baiting me, telling me that it's 60s there. Gah, that sounds pretty much like perfection compared to the snowy blizzard I just encountered.

Today the boys and I met my friend Jackie and her little boy Brogan. Jackie is due in a few months with another adorable boy, Hudson. We went to a bouncy house place, which apparently everyone else in the world decided to do today. We drove there, got the boys all checked in, de-shoed, de-coated, and went into the zoo.

When we first got there, there weren't THAT many kids, probably 10-20. When we left? At least double. Insanity. Gabe was too weirded out by all of the people, to actually play. We paid $10 for 2 hotdogs, 2 popcorns, and 2 drinks, (because my kids don't share food. Gabe's a hoarder). And then went to get re-coated, and re-shoed. Julian had a minor melt down, accusing an older boy of stealing his jacket. The truth is, the older boy, just had the SAME jacket as J. Hard concept for an almost 4 year old.

When we got outside, it was snowing. Those cute little flakes that stick in your hair, and make you feel like you're in a winter movie, as the starring role. (except you're not, and your boys are fighting over rootbeer in the back seat). I really wish I would have knit one of these hats for me...then I would have really felt like a million bucks.
Photo on 2010-02-11 at 15.36 #3

The drive home was slightly treacherous. I am a certified chicken when driving in the snow. And got off the freeway early, and drove super, duper, uper, cautiously home. We made it, I managed to get both boys into the house and lay them down for a nap before starting some research.

Stein on Writing and The Joy of Writing Sex. Because, you see, I'm doing something secret. Something that involves both of those books.

And that, is your random Friday post. I need a nap, and a diet Pepsi. Gah I haven't had one for almost 2 months!


Debbi said...

HAHA, I hate to tell you, but I remember times in April when it snowed there. Sorry:( But I love the people there in Iowa and you really can't find better places to live than WDM (or Waukee!) really, it's worth the crazy know that, you guys are staying 2 more years!

The hat is super cute. I wish I had half your talent:)

Heather said...

I have just recently met and made friends with two people from Ankeny! What are the odds?

This winter is for crap. TOO MUCH SNOW. Too much cold. No let up.

Super cute hat, though! I hope I get to see you guys soon.